Compatible replacement for Trident® ScanTrue II Hi-Res Ink
Volume: 500ml
Description: Oil-based hi-res ink
Color: Black
Dry Time: Immediate dry time on porous surfaces
Quantity: 4 bottles per case
Drop in replacement for Trident ScanTrue II Ink
- 100% compatible with existing oil-based hi-res inks; no flushing required
- Dark print facilitates bar code scannability, small character printing, and crisp, clean graphics
- Filtered to .2 microns absolute
- Competitively priced as cost-effective alternative
SKU: SI-HR80-500B
Compatible replacement for Trident® AlphaMark Ink
Volume: 500ml
Description: Oil-based hi-res ink
Color: Black
Dry Time: Immediate dry time on porous surfaces
Quantity: 4 bottles per case
Drop in replacement for Trident AlphaMark Ink
- 100% compatible with existing oil-based hi-res inks; no flushing required
- Dark print facilitates bar code scannability, small character printing, and crisp, clean graphics
- Filtered to .2 microns absolute
- Competitively priced as cost-effective alternative
Compatible replacement for Trident® Versaprint Ink
SKU: SI-HR70-500S (500ml) / SI-HR70-1000S (1L)
Volume: 500ml or 1L
Description: Glycol-based hi-res ink
Color: Black
Dry Time: Immediate dry time on porous surfaces
Quantity: 4 per case (500ml) / 6 per case (1L)
Drop in replacement for Trident Versapint Ink
- 100% compatible with existing glycol-based hi-res inks; no flushing required
- Dark print facilitates bar code scannability, small character printing, and crisp, clean graphics
- Filtered to .2 microns absolute
- Competitively priced as cost-effective alternative
- Additional colors available upon request
Compatible replacement for Trident® JetWrite Ink
Volume: 500ml
Description: Oil-based hi-res ink
Color: Black
Dry Time: Immediate dry time on porous surfaces
Quantity: 4 bottles per case
Drop in replacement for Trident JetWrite Ink
- 100% compatible with existing oil-based hi-res inks; no flushing required
- Dark print facilitates bar code scannability, small character printing, and crisp, clean graphics
- Filtered to .2 microns absolute
- Competitively priced as cost-effective alternative